Title: “A Lot of Work to Get Done Before it Rains”
Dimensions: 22”x28” unframed, 29 ¼”x 35 ¼” framed
On Display at Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, Las Cruces New Mexico
“Carlitta Harvey: Rural Life in New Mexico” Opening December 17, 2022
Paintings of the Southwest
Title: “A Lot of Work to Get Done Before it Rains”
Dimensions: 22”x28” unframed, 29 ¼”x 35 ¼” framed
On Display at Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, Las Cruces New Mexico
“Carlitta Harvey: Rural Life in New Mexico” Opening December 17, 2022
Title: “Blessings of the Fields”
Dimensions: 24”x 30” unframed, 30”x36” framed
On Display at Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, Las Cruces New Mexico
“Carlitta Harvey: Rural Life in New Mexico” Opening December 17, 2022
Title: “Cabbage Pickers at Jurado Farm”
Dimensions: 13 ¼” x 20” unframed, 18 ¼”x 25” framed
On Display at Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, Las Cruces New Mexico
“Carlitta Harvey: Rural Life in New Mexico” Opening December 17, 2022
Title: “Hot Day in the Onion Field”
Dimensions: 8”x10” unframed, 9 ½”x11 1/2” framed
On Display at Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, Las Cruces New Mexico
“Carlitta Harvey: Rural Life in New Mexico” Opening December 17, 2022
Title: “Purple and Green Cabbage Under A Glowing Sun”
On Display at Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, Las Cruces New Mexico
“Carlitta Harvey: Rural Life in New Mexico” Opening December 17, 2022
Title: “La Luz Acequia”